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Scholastic Book Orders

Within our classroom, many of our activities are based on books that teach children language, thinking and motor skills to prepare them for Kindergarten and Grade school.  Introducing children to the right books at the right time will foster a love of reading and can help set that child up for learning success.  To reach this goal of success and develop a lifelong love of reading, literacy needs to extend beyond the classroom.  A child who is read to at home has the opportunity to broaden vocabulary, expand imagination, and discover interests and hobbies. 

Scholastic Book Club recognizes the importance of literacy in the home and seeks to help you and your child meet this important goal.

*Reading Readiness – Scholastic offers book clubs that cater to every developmental level in elementary.  There are a number of books perfect for emergent and soon-to-be emergent readers or just cuddling up share a special story.

*Real Bargains – Scholastic features books at considerable savings over retail prices.  Plus, many of the paperbacks you will find on the club each month are available only in hardcover in the stores.

*Rewards – Your participation in the Scholastic Book Club helps our class get FREE books and learning resources, which enhance you child’s learning experience

Book Orders will be sent home on a monthly basis.  If any books interest you or you child, please return the completed order form by the date posted at the top of the order form.  There are two ways to pay.  Cheques can be made payable to: Scholastic Canada Ltd., or, you can pay online by credit card using the directions below.  Please do not send cash.

There is no obligation to order, but the Scholastic Book Club is an excellent resource to turn a child into a successful lifelong reader and learner. 

How Parent Pay Works

Please visit the Scholastic Cubs website to set up your online account.  If you require additional help to set up your account, please click on the following PDF to view step-by-step instructions. 

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